How I avoid Buyers Remorse

Recently via IG stories I talked about how I was working extra because I wanted a pair of boots. I also referenced a candid interview question that I got at when I was going through the process to become a flight attendant- 

Question: “What motivates you to come to work?”

Me: “Money. Wanting things. Financial stability. Like working for a pair of boots”

Both women in the interview literally laughed out loud and said

“same- we can one hundred percent relate”

That was in my final interview- I felt pretty good leaving, and even better when I got the job. But that’s how it’s always been. If I wanted something I had to work for it- my whole life I’ve worked. I’ve had a job since I was 14- and never really have had anything paid for me- not even a months rent. I’d be lying if I hadn’t been bitter in the past about it, but in hind sight- I’d say this life lesson has served me well.

Fast forward to being in my 30s making a change like becoming a flight attendant was a major curve ball- spoiler alert we barely clear 2k a month in the first few years- which is barley live-able- especially if you live in Hawaii. Before this I had been a life long waitress- with a few other jobs in retail here and there- but being a server was my bread and butter. 

Because my money was never “guaranteed” - I learned that tragic lesson early on too; when I spent all my money on going out one night thinking I would make it back super easily the next, and then it was dead at the restaurant. I’m not here to tell you how or what to spend your money on, or what is worth it or what isn’t. But since finances are rarely discussed, much like sex, or death, I thought I’d offer what I’ve done and what I have implemented into my life to feel good about buying those damn boots- and taking that trip.


  • I always make sure I have 3-6 months rent (or mortgage for some) saved. I heard Suz Orman say this once on Oprah about 15 years ago and honestly its the one piece of financial advise I haven’t appreciated more. You just never know what will happen- or in my case; when I became a flight attendant, we went through 8 weeks unpaid training- something I could never have done if I didn’t have money saved! For rent!

  • Most all of my apps I pay for annually. Its time to face that sneaky lil financial bitch of automated payments within our apps- when I sat down and really examined this I saved my self $200 - also I got rid of the digital hoarding I had taking up my more than a few home screens. For a digital creator I find myself accidentally subscribing to all sorts of BS Apps that I never end up using, so this really helped! My photos are another story!

  • I finally set up an automated deduction from my checking account into a general savings account. I’ve been pretty steady for it for over a year. Yes, I’ll share how much- $300. And its grown to an amount I feel pretty good about. I’ve heard this before but I never believed people- I’m here to tell you this is TRUE- “YOU WILL NOT EVEN NOTICE”. And I truly don’t. It has been addicting to watch my account grow!! I’m actually starting a new account for my Europe trip next year!

  • I shop deals on food. I like to eat organic. I don’t mind spending money on food but becoming a Prime member, has really saved me money at my beloved Whole Foods. You really can save money! No its nothing ground breaking but I remember watching my mom clip coupons- and I feel like this is my digital version of that. It feels good to know that I can save. To add to this- I always pack my lunch for work and rarely do I eat out.

  • Treat yourself, but be smart. That whole “I work hard, I deserve this” can get out of hand REAL QUICK. At least for me. If I truly want something - like the boots I just got, I work an extra flight for it. On the real I can be a bit fugal. I don’t get a pedicure every 2 weeks, I stretch it more like a month, if not longer. I can write off getting my nails done for work so I do them from time to time. I’m not above painting my own that’s for sure. I believe in life lil luxuries. But it’s only after all my bills are paid, transfers are accounted for, that I allow myself to truly spend. Nothing has felt better than not having buyers remorse because of the amount.

  • + I have an amount in my account that is my ZERO. Meaning dipping close to that number, is alarming and I am not allowed to go bellow that number. This has worked for me. It keeps me in check when I have gotten a bit out of control on a layover or on anything really.

  • Last but not least I picked up a side hustle in the last year of walking dogs. 1.) I get my steps 2.) it really allows me to have that “fun fund” that I think everyone sorta wants in their life.

Sometimes I even use some of the cash for rent! Life is so busy, I should know- I’m a babe on a mish, so if this last tip doesn’t apply to you I totally get it, but I do suggest finding something that serves you, that you can also benefit from financially. Even blogging, its always been a passion project, but FAK YES I would love for it to blossom into something more- because I LOVE IT! I’ve watched several friends do this in the last year. AND I TRULY LOVE TO SEE IT.

Summary is this: Pay attention to your money. Be intentional. And be responsible. Nothing feels better than financial stability. And “you” being the reason for it. I feel more confident. I feel more in control in my life and I get a sick thrill knowing not only that I worked for it, but I am also watching the fruit of my labor grow. 

Everyone deserves this feeling. What do you do to help you stay on Financial track? I am always looking for new tips and tricks!

and in case your curious- heres a closer look at the boots I fell in love with