Do you have Lucky girl Syndrome? What it IS and HOW to catch it..

If you have been following me along on my social channels then you already know I have been infected by Lucky Girl Syndrome and I have fully unlocked my era. You may have seen this trend or even have experienced this way of living several times in your existence but like most things in life- when you really are ready for a change- that’s when it happens..

For anyone who is a bit confused lemme fill you in quick- Lucky Girl Syndrome, is basically at its core, just truly believing everything will workout. Life, work, getting to work on time, having an understanding boss when you get there, having a great day at work no matter the intensity of the work load. If you have Lucky Girl Syndrome you believe that the entire universe is working in your favor. Perhaps you have heard the term “Looking at the glass half full, as suppose to half empty?” or “the Laws of Attraction” or just quite simply put: having a *positive mindset*.

Lucky Girl Syndrome is basically a mash-up of the law of attraction and the law of assumption. The former says that positive thinking attracts positive outcomes. The latter says that what we assume to be true becomes reality. 

I know what your thinking- its not always easy, or how can getting a speeding ticket on the way to work be so fkn lucky? I can attest, as a realist and someone who loves to *just believe*. I know things take work, and if you weren’t breaking the law in the first place you wouldn’t get that darn ticket. You can’t wish for something and poof it appears. Or does it? Could you imagine that just trusting everything will align in the stars is meant especially for you? Of course you can. 

What if you just believe simply that living pono or righteously is good enough and you believe that doing good feels good and it really does bring good back?

That is Lucky Girl Syndrome. Knowing deep down that everything will be as it should. TRULY believing that tho is the key.


The other key to this bug if you're down to catch it, is the affirmations of continually saying it out loud to yourself and others. 

  • “I AM LUCKY”

  • “I am a magnet for all good things”

  • “I know I will get there in perfect timing”

  • “Wow, this meal is so yummy- I am so lucky”

  • “Whats meant for me will come to me because I am so lucky”

  • “Thats okay, I am so lucky I know there is another opportunity for me, heading my way now”

And yes it’s also the work. It’s the consistency. Money doesn’t just appear, but believing opportunities will arise and you will be prepared when they do, knowing deep down that you are so very lucky.. that is where the magic happens, because you truly are believing in yourself and your abilities.

Sounds easy enough right? It’s a practice. A way of living and a system to believe in. Life can be hard. Days aren’t always easy. Work doesn’t always just flow, and neither does love. The only thing in this entire world you can control is you and your thoughts. We believe what we tell ourselves. We believe the stories. 

Start your story everyday with thinking about how lucky you are- how grateful you are and see how catching this syndrome can change you, and your life.