This Months BOAM of the Month has been highly anticipated in my realm for quite some time. As most of you know I love working out- more especially I love a good class. For many reasons, accountability, community, self imposed discipline- knowing that if I just make it there I’ll stay, the monetary commitment, and then there's the teacher. That last part tho. The teacher. I get so attached.
As mentors in all facets of life - I wonder if they ever truly know how far their reach goes. For me most of the time, my workouts, though my vanity got me there, it's the mental capacity that keeps me going. It's what I am truly addicted to. The endorphin drip and moving meditation that comes with a good sweat is unbeatable. I mourn when I workout, I laugh, I blow off steam. And it's in all these many levels of extreme emotions that I have- in the very peaks and valleys- a teacher ( or trainer if you will ) says something, a phrase- or just gets you to that next level- that sticks with you. I hear these moments echo in my head right now and a flutter of selected individuals flood my brain. All have deeply served their purpose.
As an active person yoga has come into my life later than I would have liked it to. Not because there wasn't good influence around me either- my mom was doing yoga long before, and I had had other friends deeply immersed in it as well. I was intimidated. And I couldn’t turn off my mind- also to be totally honest-
I just didn’t think it was that good of a workout.. I know- I cringe when I hear myself say that but it's true- I was completely judging the entire practice, and now I truly understand.. Missing the point.
It wasn’t until my dear friend Boone convinced me to take yet another class with her - it was also the only way to see her at the time ( a new mom ) so I completely gave in. That class was with Suzanne. I don’t remember the class super vividly or anything, but I remember feeling like I could feel a flow. Added to a forgiveness from Suzanne’s voice giving me permission to be bad at something new.
* No she didn’t actually say that or actually give me permission, but her demeanor and delivery moved me*
Also I do believe that when it's time- everything aligns. At the time I was very unhappy at my occupation and just really needed the reset of calmness in my life, mostly in my mind. Yoga brought that. I religiously went to Suzanne’s class every Wednesday at Core Power and dedicated that one day a week to bettering myself with yoga- and through those weeks Suzanne was right there with me. Unknowingly when I cried in Savasana her inspiring words soothed my very weary soul.
Fitness changes lives. Metaphorically and Physically. I know I am talking to anyone that has had that connection with a trainer, or teacher of some kind when I say - you look up to them. You share a piece of yourself with them. Whether it be a learning disability, practicing yoga, or even just honing a new skill. That one person who was there for you- in those moments of vulnerability, and they got a piece of you few don't get to see. We bond with these people and if we’re lucky enough they become lifelong friends- and even if they don’t you always remember your fav.. And when you see them again you always light up. ( tell me your not thinking of a fav right now..)
Bottom Right: Suzanne and I
Besides being a strong woman, Suzanne was ( and is) extremely humble. And gorgeous. A mother. A friend to many. And a pillar in our community. Right when COVID hit, and studios shut down Suzanne and another BOAM of the Month Troy Manadic collaborated on an IG Live series for what I really saw as a “Community Movement”- 2 FREE classes Monday thru Friday for the community … FREE! EVERYDAY. AT 9 AM. 5 days a week. For at least 4 MONTHS. Showing up- holding us all accountable. I have to pause- this is so extraordinary. The amount of time and effort- and energy it takes to do this is unfathomable.
Studios started opening up around September- only to close again, and then open back up- and with dozens of classes archived to rewatch (over 150); Suzanne is still showing up twice a week to help you feel your flow. Understanding the uncomfortableness of not wanting to be back in the studio or not being on the coveted list of the few that are allowed in- Suzanne still provides value, hope, and support every Monday and Friday on her mat for you on IG LIVE. A true service to humanity & our community. And I will say I am personally eternally grateful.
If she doesn’t sound like someone you’d probably love too already- it gets better. I was so tunnel vision and this is just so Tara of me- but when I get stuck on something or someone or a class I can never get enough. In a word- I’m obsessive. But Suzanne really helped tame that beast and I am so grateful that she did. She was going out of town for a few weeks and I remember thinking “well I guess I’ll just take a break in Yoga- no biggie” and I mentioned this to her- and she urged me not to. I don’t remember our exact conversation, but she really encouraged me ( and maybe she was creeped out lol ) to try other classes, with other teachers, different music, aesthetic- to let my practice grow. I remember thinking how rad that was. So- like a good student I did- and I made 2 other super good girlfriends that way, and both are still women I practice with today- both still teaching yoga ( shout out to Alana and Whit ). I just found that to be so selfless and as another woman to push me in a direction to find another way to practice and grow- sigh- I’m just so happy she did.
This Babe On A Mish meets all the criteria’s - she is inspiring and inspires others continually without fail. It was my very personal honor to feature a woman I have admired for years- and so very happy to call my friend… but as the saying goes- “you learn something new everyday” and people are no different. I wanted hear more about what made this woman tick…
I think we all could use hearing that last piece of advice. It seems like doors were shutting all arond us this past year- but I will say that for me, so many more have opened. Including my own doors. My perspective is opening up and whenever I am feeling doubt, I go straight to my mat. You’ll never feel worse after that yoga class.
Of course Suzanne has many more layers, and if you do follow her on Instagram you have noticed another running theme.. her love of food. And making it for her 3 kids. I love watching her labor of love in fresh baked scones, breads, and bentos she puts together. So precise. So beautiful. And I can attest- so delishhh. Thats why its no surprise that her inspiration has moved into another direction of service- I’ll let her explain..
“Food is my love language. And I grew up in Japan where bentos are a way of life. In that sense, my little bento boxes are an extension of my love for my kids. I don't remember exactly when I started taking pictures of the lunches I made for my kids, but when social media became the norm, it seemed intuitive to chronicle what I’d been doing every weekday morning for the last 15 years. The hashtag “#bentolife” became a stamp for my morning ritual; I post my kids’ bentos every weekday morning, featuring musubis, noodles, sandwiches, and fresh-baked bread. With the encouragement of friends, I launched The Lunch Lady web site. An official Instagram & Pinterest account are in the works, and will continue to be both a work in progress and a labor of love!”
A sneak peak of what The Lunch Lady will be serving up
For Lunch and Bento Inspo follow @lunchladylife
You can FLOW anywhere with Suzanne on IG @suzsaski.hi - and
on Fridays at 1 PM HST in Japanese @igniteliving.