Babe On A Mish of the MONTH

As many of you may know I really like to stress that we are all Babes On A Mish. On the ground or in the air.

Even as this world pandemic has made us all come to a startling halt our minds are still on the go.. Finding it hard to sit still even when we are told we can’t go anywhere. As “they say” the most ahhhmazing things happen in the depths of complete sorrow.. Your true passions emerge and some of the most useful inventions are created. Like.. for instance the car radio ( invented 1930 ) was a result of the Great Depression and honestly.. Carpool karaoke has always been my fav and I’ll be damned if I had to drive anywhere without tunes in my car.. See where I am going with this??

So it was a no brainer that for my FIRST EVER Babe On A Mish OF THE MONTH

I would choose someone whose life career path had a similar parallel to mine.

 Kelly Kincaid. Creator of Jet Lagged Comic. If you haven’t caught wind of this ultra funny, too true, ongoing comic strip that is well, spot on.. Then I am happy to be the first to introduce you to it. Jetlagged Comic is a satirical take on the world of commercial travel through the perspective of the flight crew. Colorful, clean-humored and fun, Jetlagged resonates with the lifestyles and the on and off the job quirks of flight attendants, pilots and frequent travelers. 


 Kelly is a flight attendant who was furloughed during our recent recession in 2010.. Back then she was a brand spankin’ new Jr Flight Attendant  *( and in most worlds still is.. she is senior to me.. So whatever .. she was SUPERRRR NEW THEN)* bright eyed and yes bushy tailed.. You see Kelly is a daughter of a seasoned 30yr FA so she was kinda was born ready for this.. Except no one is ready to lose their job, not know when they will get it back and then ugh well, make ends meet.. 

Sound familiar? I read in detail about this misfortune on Kelly’s Blog here. 

Remember when I said “your true passions emerge?” 

My all time favorite from Kelly.. this one really hit home

My all time favorite from Kelly.. this one really hit home

Spoiler Alert: that's exactly what happened with Kelly. It's when JetLagged Comic was born. Now it lives in our instagram feed or in your inbox if you are a paying Patreon ( why OFC I AM ) now up to 3 new cartoons a week.. Making us laugh and shake our heads of the absolute absurdity  ( I didn’t even know that was a word until I had to describe it here.. FA life for ya ) because yes that is what happens..and yes ppl get v strange when they travel.. To say the v least

I had the chance to chat with Kelly, ( pretty proud to call her a friend now ) and instead of asking all the questions I can find answers to on her blog or watch on her fabulous YouTube series.. I decided to take a more

 “Get to Know you approach” list of 10 questions that will give you a glimpse of

this Babe On A Mish..


 to continue .. “I like that quote because it told me that there are naturally talented people out there when it comes to writing or drawing or music or whatever.. But it is NOTHING unless you are CONSISTENT and PERSISTENT. Stick to a schedule and let time take care of it. The only difference between you and a professional, is the professional never stopped. The amateur stopped when things got hard or life got in the way. The professional did not, they found a way around it”

Wow.. if that last line wasn’t a sign I don't know what is. I loved that and I love you even more Kelly Kincaid.. Cannot wait to meet you in a city sometime soon so we can cheers over a glass of vino and toast to consistency.. As I type this I am still smiling and I know I’ll keep laughing as long as JetLagged Comic is still popping up in my inbox or if I’m on the right side of the algorithm my feed too .

Mahalo Kelly you are an Ultimate Babe On A Mish.