Two Guys On a Plane
Have you seen the movie Social Dilemma? It basically shows you how much of a negative connotation social media can have on any one user. And though there is the argument of “free speech” we often forget that yes, the First Amendment is entitlement to speak your mind- but not on something privately owned such as well, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and yes Facebook as in all Social Media Apps.
I have had my own bouts with these apps. At first just totally refusing them all together. My sister created my Facebook and my super good friend Gabby created my Instagram- clearly now I have taken to these platforms but I was no ride or die in the beginning. And yes there is a whole lot of negativity out there- and wrong information,
but there is also a lot of GOOD out there- and a lot of positive energy that happens too.
Cue my next two Babe(s) On A Mish- Rich and Andrew who run the Flight Attendant Humor based account Two Guys on a Plane. If you're reading this and you're a flight attendant then I am almost positively absolutely sure you follow them, but even if you're not- the satire humor these two create out of world events and how it directly relates to the aviation industry is in a word -HILARIOUS.
We’ve all done the mindless scroll. If you're lucky enough to have these two pop across your feed then you have probably stopped mid scroll to literally laugh out loud. Next you might even repost it to your story- so your network can smile and laugh too. Then maybe you’ll close your app and feel the need to share verbally what you just saw- in turn creating another smile or in this case actual laughter. Is there a better ripple effect in this world?
I listed this account as my Feel Good Follow last summer. And even through 2020, elections, and lonely holidays many of us have faced this year- and quite frankly, every Flight Attendant faces any given year, these two have continued to keep the laughs going. Not only that, Rich and Andrew also continue to lift their peers up. Using their ever growing account for nothing but good. In the past they have promoted my blogs, other Flight Attendants “side hustles”, and they have a running series called Flight Attendant Fridays- which highlights the story behind the person in the uniform. A believe me- we are a colorful bunch.
So what else besides laughing, good vibes and flying? On their blog Rich and Andrew also tackle stereotypes and social issues that affect this entire industry- no matter what political line you choose to toe. What's really cool about “our” industry is the commonality we have of true acceptance. You see we are trained to handle emergency situations, which include death, seizures, water landings, crashes, fires, unruly passengers- you know all the fun stuff the world has yet to commercialize this glamorous lifestyle as. And when you are up there in the air, all you have is you and your crew- and there is a bond that takes place- or a sense of camaraderie you feel knowing that no matter what- he/she in the next jump seat over has my back. Rich and Andrew have capitalized on this connection and “the sass is complimentary”.
I laughed through the entire interview because the two really are that funny in real life, and I truly feel so honored that they both took the time to let me know more about the men behind the brand - the laughs, the memes, and the sass.
Ughhhhh Andrewwww- that last statement!! I needed that and I have felt it more this year than any other time in my life..
Sigh. SO refreshing in’t it? There is good in the world. And behind all the humor and the uniform for that matter the underlying cause and effect of this account carries beyond your iPhone screen. IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY.
These two guys on a plane have successfully created a space where people can use humor and come together- bring awareness, but most of all acceptance. I know it may sound weird to some but being a flight attendant is so many things, so often misconstrued, and often overlooked as a frontline worker- these two make sure you know they’re right there with you- on the plane, on the ground, at home or in a strange hotel in a city you’ve never been to- these two Babes On A Mish get it.
It’s always been about the humor for me. That and the free travel.
Do you follow Two Guys? ANd for how long? Whats one of your fav Meme moments?? lmk below!!
Mahalo Rich and Andrew- this was seriously the biggest pleasure - I think I speak for most when I say please don’t stop making memes- or making me laugh- or creating or just being Babes On such a good good positive Mish.
You can submit to be featured as a Flight Attendant on their website at or follow along for your daily dose of memes and funny aviation humor @twoguysonaplane on Instagram or Twitter