How To Eat Your BEST when you're a BUSY Babe On A Mish


As I have said before we are all babes on a mish- in the air or on the ground. Everyday we are presented with a to do list and now we all have somewhere to be again. This transition to life post covid can be all the things, exciting, anxiety filled, and tiring. After a year of “bettering ourselves” lets not let it go to the wind the second life picks back up.

  • First things first- YOU MUST MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY. If you do not commit to yourself who will?? Believe me, when I have back to back trips the last thing I want to do is prep my lunch for the next day. I honestly dread it. But I know not being prepared, being hungry, and eating whatever I can grab will only spiral me into feeling worse; physically and mentally. We are all busy, with kids, pets, errands to run, schedules to keep- but once you have your routine and stay committed to yourself, life actually does get easier. And so does eating healthy.

  • Rotate your core meals that you like. If you have seen my insta stories as of late than you know I live my life on repeat- and that works for me!! Also think of meals almost like a uniform- when you already know what your wearing ( or eating ) then it takes the stress out of it all. It almost like being on auto pilot. I wrote about the latest inflight meal I eat on repeat here. For dinner I wrote about meals I make when I just don’t feel like it here.

  • Drink lots and lots of water. When we are tired our bodies trick us into thinking we’re hungry. In a way we are- hungry for energy. But sometimes just drinking a full glass of water or a bottled water it can actually perk you up. Also even if you eat like shit for a full day then this is one healthy habit you’ll feel good on having.

  • Pack/ or have good healthy snacks on hand! Again- set yourself up for success. Everything is preparation. I always have a grain free granola bar in my bag, I love to snack on apples, bananas, and basically anything Simple Mills or Siete makes. LOL. or popcorn.. I wrote a whole blog on healthy snacks and travel snacks here.

  • Have a staple take out place, whether that be the grab and go at Whole Foods or the sushi bar up the street. Because there are moments where you just cannot pull it together, and having somewhere you know that is consistent and healthy can truly be a life saver. Whether you're a flight attendant or working from home, we all have a place that we got to for take out. And if your heading to a new city- google spots ahead of time, have a plan. Bookmark it.

ABOVE ALL- Make moving your body a commitment. Period. You have to. Something is always better than nothing.. I always tell myself when I don’t feel like it, to start my workout and if I still don’t feel like it after 15mins then I’m allowed to stop. I almost always finish. 

As you can see it’s not “super easy” - essentially it does become that way, but it truly is without a doubt about making time.

Yes you do have it. Prioritize your health and you will be happier person.

And so will everyone you love.