Last month I featured a man for BOAM of the Month to really hit home to the fact we are all babes- and we all inspire. Now more than ever people from all corners of the world are pursuing goals, dreams, ideas- entrepreneurs are born everyday and there is no age that defines when this emergence happens.
Cats outta the bag if you will, because you already know that this month I am switching it up ever so slightly again. I am bringing you a double dose of inspo that truly embodies what it is to be a Babe On A Mish-
Rachael and Heather the founders of Aloha Collection came together through as they say “fate” and have never looked back. I know people say that all the time- but it really was a craigslist room for rent sitch that these two girls came to be.
Rachael was a flight attendant for 10 years ( both corporate and private ), traveling around the world and loving it, even though financially it was unstable. Which I can say is very relatable- “like a bad relationship.. I just couldn’t leave, they just had me, I was making below minimum wage but I could fly first class all over the world- and all I wanted to do was travel”.
Heather was in mortgage banking for 10 years. A Kauai native, she moved around Cali, for business and love but after interest rates went up in 2013, Heather decided that the volatile industry was not for her anymore. She wanted to be in charge of her own fate and not let the market decide.
As the story goes, they were 2 girls at the end of their ropes- financially & emotionally. One laid up with a broken foot ( Rachael had a bad break that required surgeries and then no work for 6 mos ) pursuing a passion project sewn together with pieces of old sails and the other heartbroken professionally in a new city with limited contacts- the one thing they did have was each other.
After speaking candidly with these women, I am not surprised that they formed a friendship that easily transitioned into business partners. Both the same but different enough to support the other.. remember when I said Rachael was pursuing her passion project? Like any good friend with a business background Heather took notice of an idea that would fill a void in just about everyone's life.
Rachael was tired of packing a wet bikini when she would travel to surf, and needed a wet bag- but like cuter than the bright ugly orange/blue/yellow ones you might see a sailor or camper with.
Flight attendants- I tell you- we are so resourceful.
Knowing how valuable real estate is in a suitcase and also understanding how irritating it can be to pack anything not clean, Rachael created a bag that wouldn’t take up too much space but hide a smell of a wet bikini or gym clothes.
Thus, Aloha Collection was born, which by now if you are unfamiliar with this company - I should apologize, as people of both genders have become- in a word- obsessed.. A fan.. A life long cult member- to own a bag is to truly know how extremely versatile it is. With up to 8 silhouettes (and counting), hundreds of design collabs with photographers, prints inspired by their island home ( Hawaii) and travels around the world- you’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t just own one bag- but multiple.
Aloha Collection bags are splash proof, life proof and yes COVID proof ( easily wiped down with clorox ). Users range from beach goers, surfers, gym rats, flight attendants, nurses, teachers, moms, dads, and snowboarders,
there isn’t a lifestyle this bag doesn’t fit.
A mega fan myself of these bags for years, as I too own multiple, all with me on every trip.. whether that be in the air or down to the beach. I was elated when these women agreed to take the time and spill the tea on my 10 questions that every BOAM of the month answers- bc I really do care what you get every time you go grocery shopping - I want to emulate what you do because ladies there is no stopping either of you!
I feel like that those last two quotes are highly applicable to the now- as in right now. Taking things day by day, being aware of your mental capacity-seeing things from different perspectives and most importantly - know what your responsibility is, to your own-self. We simply cannot stress on things we cannot control. Read that again.
If I have learned anything from these ladies- its trust your intuition and take the leap. It’s never a good time, and someone will always have “your idea”- but its in the execution that brings the “idea” to life. These woman have grown organically, by just providing value in a little bag that stashes and protects your prized possessions, all with aloha- can you think of a better way to present anything to the world? Me neither.
If there was a bag to define #BABEONAMISH- this would MOS DEF be it..
ready for every adventure but make it cute.
How many bags do you have? How do you rock your aloha? Lemme know below